25 things u have to know about me ;p,tagged by asmaroro thanks :)

- i like green and orange color.most of my gadget r in green,my lappy,my i pod ,my sandals ,nds bag,ear phone haha
- j have many hobbies ,playing guitar ,photo design ,drawing ,singing,playing soccer,joking haha
- my true ambition is wanna be a successful engineer with a happy family.At the same time,i hope i can be designer and musician ;p
- sometimes ,i can't sleep at night ,insomnia ,thats what they called.it will happen if i drink coffee haha
- i speak and write three language ,nihongo(japanese),malay ,english.I learned nihongo ,after spm.
- i can keep secret ,besides i have many secrets .
- i speak when i sleep
- i clashed many times,i think i'm not suit for love
- i won plasma tv recently ;p
- i will marry at the age 26 - 28 after i got what i want.
- this year birthday i've sandal as present from my sister
- i like kids
- when i hate someone ,i make it forever unless she or he apologize to me
- i can flip my tongue
- i can remember someone's face but i can't recalled their name
- i broke my hand when i was 15,i got 20 stitches after surgery
- i had 2 plate of steel in my hand
- i currently stdy at uniten ,taking bachelor of mechanical eng,
- i've been hospitalized many times ,due to break my left hand (15),dengue(16) ,nose surgery(5month ago) ,fell off from ladder and smack my head when i was 8.
- i have a cat ,himawari
- i like girls with baju kurung :),nampak sopan
- i talk fast
- i can read people sometimes
- i have tiny heart ,i can be sensitive sometimes,but i'm not serious ,;p
- lastly ,i love to sleep...;D