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Sunday, July 24, 2011

ways to tell someone is a psyco

    how do we know that ,a person is a psyco ??,ok this is top 30 list that shows a person is a psyco ;  1.They keep posting nasty comment about artists and their fans  2.They keep starting all kind of of "worst" lists and cannot stop hating  3.You start acting like Britney Spears  4.They keep insulting people  5.They come up to you at scream in your face.  6.They don’t understand great jokes but laugh at silly things like furniture, shampoo and clocks.  7.They are having a conversation and no one and no cell phone is part of it.  8.The voices in their head communicate with the voices in yours.  9.They bitch, complain, cry and cause a scene no matter where they are.  10.They walk out the door naked   more on : 
11.When you're taking a shower and you turn around and hear the  theme from the movie Psycho. (Wree Wree Wree) 12.They walk into a room complaining about the voices in their head. 13.They stare at you and smile 14.They hit you for no reason 15.Their therapist sends them to a different therapist 16.They misunderestimate you. 17.They become interested in geography lessons 18.Every time they walk into a room the Psyco shower scene music plays. 19.They have chilli in their shoes 20.They keep voting for Ann Wilson 21.They keep voting for David Duchovny 22.They keep voting for Gunther 23.They start preaching about the giant flying spagetti noodle monster 
24.They come up to you and say...where's my sunshine? 

25.They keeping voting for Gillian Anderson 

26.They like Justin Bieber 27.They think that Jonas Brothers is the best band in the world 28.They become interested in death 29.They like 30 Seconds to Mars 30.Their favorite movie is "Psycho"   kalau anda ada salah satu kretiria dia atas ,jadi anda tahu siapa anda hak hak hak .....true story. p/s;don't be a psyco!


azwa amani said...

macam pernah jumpe jerr....

asliani ahmad said...

But y they more interested in geog? Tell me y. Haha...

feninzz_LALAT said...

mintak penampau org cmni..hahaha

Haikal Blank said...

i like 30 seconds to mars and emo song. yeah, im a psycho maybe. HAHA

LyaLuna said...

haha psyco psycooo betul lewwww :P susa hndle org ceniii

fyy mokhtar said...

saya suka band nirvana <3

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